Sunday, November 28, 2010

Understanding Shiv Linga

Most of the people from other religions find it funny to worship Shiv linga by Hindus. But they have no idea how rich is our cultural & spiritual heritage is & what are the basics of worshiping Shiv Linga. Like me before I got to know about it, most of us also don't know what we are worshiping & why. First of all I shall make it clear that worshiping Shiv Linga has nothing to do with the organ, its only called so because of its resemblance to it. Then what is Shiv Linga?

In our Indian mythology Lord Shiva has been considered as the greatest 'Yogi' with highest level of 'Tapasya' in the Himalayas. He is the father of Yoga & the spiritual enlightenment. So when a person going under intense meditation, he develops an Aura of spiritual energy around his body with awakening of light in his heart. This spiritual aura resembles the shape of the organ - 'Linga'. So in fact Shiv linga is the cloud of spiritual energy around the Shiva. Since it is developed with the light of enlightenment within the heart of Shiva, so it is also called 'Jyotirlinga'

In temples we also see that there is snake around every Shivlinga. In fact that snake is not a snake, its again resembling the summit of spiritualism, i.e., awakened Kundalini. That raises up our body and reaches the highest chakra - Sahasrara Chakra.

See how rich is our culture, by worshiping of Shiva linga we are taking blessings for our spiritual growth.

1 comment:

  1. If u notice carefully, Shivlinga basically represents Shiv's linga in the centre of Parvati's yoni. Shiv and Parvati are known as Baba Adam and Mata Haua in Muslim Culture and as Adam and Eve in Jewish & Christian cultures. The point is, they represent the start of human civilization.
    When human civilization just began Sex was just an ordinary path to reach the Ultimate pinnacle of human existance. The various mystic paths use sex as tool of meditation.Of these paths Tantra is most perdominant one and Shiva is the lord of tantra.
    Tantra is just narration and answers to Parvati's questions to Shiva while she was sitting in his lap.
